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Skin Conditions

Becker’s Nevus

Becker’s Nevus is more common in males and most commonly on the chest, shoulder, and upper arms. Initially flat, it may become raised and pigmented, and thick, coarse hairs may develop.


Birthmark is a lay term for common pigmented nevi and hemangiomata or overdevelopment of congenital or hereditary blood vessels.


Burns result from skin tissue damage from excessive heat, electricity, radioactivity, or corrosive chemicals that destroy proteins in the exposed cells.

Connective Tissue Nevi

Connective Tissue Nevi are dermal elastic fibers and collagen lesions that give rise to nodules and plaque, especially on the upper back.

Cafe au Lait

Cafe au Lait is a single, small or large, round or oval pale brown patch. It may be present at birth in up to 10% of the population.

Contact Dermatitis

Contact Dermatitis is an eczema reaction to an external substance. It affects about 1 in 5 people and is characterized by red, flaky skin, sometimes with cracks or tiny blisters.


Eczema is often used interchangeably with dermatitis to represent itchy skin. Several types of Eczema include atopic Eczema, varicose Eczema, discoid Eczema, hand eczema, and asteatotic Eczema.

Epidermal Nevus

Epidermal Nevus usually presents at birth or arises within the first decade and may increase in size at puberty. It is a well-defined brown or yellow raised plaque with a rough, warty surface and fissuring.


Hyperpigmentation occurs when an excessive amount of melanin has been deposited in a clump, causing a brown lesion on the skin.


Hypopigmentation is the loss of skin color caused by melanocyte depletion — a decrease in the amino acid tyrosine used by melanocytes to make melanin.


Keloids are red, raised, and firm scars with smooth, shiny surfaces. These often tender nodules complicate minor acne and are more common in dark skin types.

Lupus Erythematosus

Lupus Erythematosus is a chronic autoimmune disorder that often involves the skin and is associated with some degree of photosensitivity.


Melasma, often called the “mask of pregnancy,” is a tan to dark facial skin discoloration of unknown causes.


Pigmentation refers to the coloration of the skin.

Port Wine Stain

Port Wine Stain is a lesion present at birth that is usually a purple permanent stain that varies in size.


Rosacea is characterized by papules and pustules on the face, often associated with flushing. Rosacea is common in both sexes and can appear at any time.


A scar denotes a healed but still visible mark of injury.

Spider Nevi

Spider Nevi looks like a spider with radiating legs extending from a central red body. It is found on the upper cheeks, nose, and eye areas.


Using a sharp instrument, ink or other pigments are permanently inserted below the skin.


Vitiligo is an acquired destruction of melanocytes resulting in white patches on the skin. Vitiligo may occur at any age, though about 50% is present before age 20. The patches are completely de-pigmented and appear white. It may occur anywhere on the body, including around the mouth, nose, and eyes. It may also occur on the elbows, knees, front of the shins, back of the hands, and feet.